Religion, Medicine & Healing

Religion, Medicine and Healing is an anthology that brings together a broad spectrum of non-­‐Western healing traditions from the different kinds of shamanisms to the world religions demonstrating how each offers valuable alternatives and complements to biomedicine. Many local traditions are in danger of being forgotten, not transmitted, or even discredited by modern, orthodox biomedicine. At best, most local traditions have survived as fragmented pieces of once greater totalities. Everywhere, Western biomedicine has occupied spaces that were once the domains of local traditions and specialists. Based on the unique experience and knowledge of the contributing authors, Religion, Medicine and Healing goes beyond mere descriptive ethnography by engaging important theoretical discussions of ‘performance’, ‘aesthetics’, ‘personhood’, ‘soul’, and ‘life-­‐forces’.

Released in eBook format a modified version of a textbook originally published in 2013 and 2016, by Kendall Religion